Procedure for the Examination of Complaints Relating to the Functions of the School Board falling under section 220.2 of the Education Act (CQLR, ch. I-13.3)
This By-Law establishes the procedure for the examination of complaints relating to functions of the school board under section 220.2 of the Education Act (CQLR, ch. I-13.3).
A Complaint relating to a function of the school board may be, but are not limited to, complaints relating to:
- Noise caused by construction work undertaken by the school board.
- Traffic around a school or educational establishment.
- The payment of school taxes.
- etc.
This by-law does not apply to complaints concerning services offered to students enrolled in a school or centre of the school board or their parents. Complaints regarding such matters shall follow the Act Respecting the National Student Ombudsman (CQLR, ch. P-32.01).