(Grades K-6)
3 Act Lessons
A 3 act math lesson is a mathematics task consisting of three parts: Act 1 is an engaging math task. Act 2 is information and solution seeking. Act 3 is revealing solutions and discussion.
Visit the gfletchy.com website Visit the whenmathhappens.com website Visit the tapintoteenminds.com website
(Grades K-6)
Cool Math 4 Kids
A math website that includes the following: games, lessons, quizzes, and brain teasers. It also includes a section where students can use interactive manipulatives like base ten blocks, number lines and more!
Click here to visit the website
(Grades K-11)
Youcubed is a website that includes engaging math tasks to inspire students to have an open mindset! On the ‘Week of Inspirational Math(s)’ page, you can choose your own math adventure with different math activities!
Click here to visit youcubed.org Visit youcubed.org inspirational
(Grades 1-2)
ELM (En) ORME (Fr)
ELM is an interactive website organized into themes: number concepts, geometry, patterns, data, and number lines. ORME est un site Web interactif organisé en thèmes: concepts numériques, géométrie, motifs, données et lignes numériques.
Click here to visit the website*Login EMSB username and password. If you did not receive it, click here.

(Grades 1-8)
Prodigy: Kids Math Game
Prodigy is a no-cost online math game where students can earn prizes and go on quests, all while learning math!
Click here for Parent Login Click here for Student Login(Pre-school - Gr. 2)
PBS Math Fun
PBS Math Fun explores math topics through creative and engaging situations all with beloved PBS characters. (Note: Some content is restricted to US citizens)
Click here to visit the website(Grades 1-6)
Oxford Owl: Math
The Oxford Owl website provides parents and teachers with tips on how to help a student succeed. It includes math games, online activities, a math glossary, and tips on how to help at home.
Click here to visit the website(Grades 3-6)
Ted Ed: Math
Ted Ed is an online library of original animated videos that engage students in learning about different subjects. Try one of their math riddles or learn about where math symbols come from!
Click here to visit the website(Grades 3-6)
Mental Math Cards Challenge (App)
Mental Math Cards Challenge is a free app that helps students improve their arithmetic abilities. (Note: This app is only compatible with iPhone and iPad.)
Click here to visit the website
(Pre-school - Gr. 2)
Khan Kids (app)
Interactive app that includes a variety of activities to foster a love for learning math with engaging characters that will entertain young children.
Click here to visit the website