School News

Be kind to unkind people, they need it the most." -Unknown Author

Monday, June 7, 2021

What are Kindness Rocks?

The Cycle 3 students from Elizabeth Ballantyne School have created ‘kindness rocks’. They have placed them throughout the Montreal West community in order to remind everyone that KINDNESS ROCKS! If you happen to stumble upon one of the students' beautifully painted rocks, click on the "Kindness Rocks" tab above. Have fun locating the picture of the rock you picked up and read the student's reflection on what it means to be kind. Feel free to keep the kindness rock, share it with someone else or leave it where it is for someone else to discover. It would be greatly appreciated if you could send a picture and a brief comment of the proud "finders" of the kindness rock. Send your pictures or comments to We will be posting on Elizabeth Ballantyne's Facebook and Instagram pages. Thank you for taking part in the students' wonderful community project.

Grade 6 Students at Elizabeth Ballantyne School

Students at Elizabeth Ballantyne School are curious and hard-working. They practice the school's core values of kindness, respect, honesty, generosity and perseverance on a daily basis.  They were very excited to take part in this wonderful project and their hope is to spread kindness in the community.  Let's all make a change and be kind to everyone.