New SVI class opens up at Galileo

by Tanya Lo Bianco
Let’s take a moment to welcome the new SVI class that has begun at Galileo! These dedicated students have decided to take their education to the next level. Why? The answer lies in learning about what this new program has to offer.
The Sociovocational Integration program (SVI) is individualized to meet the needs of the neurodiverse student population at Galileo. The goal of the program is for students to develop the transferable skills to find and maintain meaningful employment, and the technical skills to achieve a Training Certificate for a Semi-Skilled Trade from the Quebec ministry of Education. With over 100 of these trades to choose from, there is something for all interests and abilities. The focus of the program is to build on students’ strengths and interests in an inclusive environment for learning at their own pace. The program will provide students with the opportunity to integrate into competitive employment in the community and ultimately facilitate their transition to employment with continuing support.
SVI students have been working hard at drafting and executing their S.M.A.R.T. (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound) goals as well as building their personal employment plan, learning interpersonal skills, and developing social skills for the workplace. And more is to come throughout the year!
There is still availability in the program. Students must meet the eligibility requirements of the program, so an intake interview is required. For more information: 514.721.0120.