Centre Of Dreams and Hopes Students Make A Difference
![Center For Dreams And Hopes](https://az184419.vo.msecnd.net/emsb/inspirations/img/articles/chd640px.jpg)
SIS students and teachers at Centre Of Dreams and Hopes came together on Tuesday, May 30th, to give back to the community by preparing sandwiches for the less fortunate. Teacher Hannah Ryan set up a non-profit group called Bread and Beyond to come to the school and guide students in making the sandwiches, bagging them, and finally tagging each bag. “This project has been a goal, a dream of mine for quite some time”, said Ryan.
At the end of the day, over 200 sandwiches were prepared and sent to Resilience Montreal, a non-profit day shelter situated on the corner of Atwater and Sainte Catherine.
“It was just fantastic” Said Kirstie Jagoe Founding Director Bread and Beyond. “The whole atmosphere in the room was one of excitement and productivity, and when we were done- pride!”
Hannah and Kirstie are already talking about working with each other again in September!
Check out the video podcast below as Mark Bergman chats with Hannah, Kirstie, and SIS students Georgia Ikomomou and Lenny Catanzaro about their incredible experience